
Airport Management

  • Home / Airport Management

  •  Aeronautical regulations
  •  Planification and design of aeronautical airsides: airport engineering
  • Traffic on mouvement area
  •  Boarding bridge operation
  •  Security Management System (SMS)
  •  Day and night marking
  •  Aeronautical Servitude Plan (ASP)
  •  Fire safety (ARFF);
  •  Aeronautical pavement maintenance
  •  Evaluation and management of animal risk
  • Plan d’urgence de l’aéroport et management des crises ;
  • Conception et exploitation des aérogares ;
  • Suretéet facilitation ;
  • GroundHandling ;
  • Marchandise dangereuse ; 

The training is structured around the following modules:

· Reception and presentation of the training

· National regulations (introduction, process, structure and key issues of national regulatory  process and structure)

· Bilateral regulations (introduction, process, structure, main issues of bilateral regulatory process and structure and types of negotiations on international air services)

· Multilateral regulations (introduction, process, structure, main issues of multilateral regulatory process and structure, global intergovernmental organizations, regional and transregional intergovernmental organizations and trade zones and non-governmental organizations)

· Regulatory structures (Basic Market Access, Air Carrier Capacity, Air Carrier Tariffs, Air Carrier Properties, Air Freight, Non-Scheduled Air Services, Air Commercial Activities, Air Cooperation Activities and Air Passengers)

· General terminology (air carriers, planes, air services and airports)

· Evaluation: At the end of the training course, participants would be given either a test or individual/group projects to evaluate their aptitudes and progress thought the training period

·Debriefing of the training



Once the course is finished successfully, the participants will be able to: 

· Know the legal, organizational, legislative and licensing component

·Know courtesy and reciprocity

· Define the relationship between air transport regulators and interested parties

· Define the optimal location for the regulatory function of international air transport

·Define the evolution of bilateral regulation of international air services

·List the typical provisions of bilateral air transport agreements (services)

·Determine bilateral relations involving groups of states

·Define the gaps in the bilateral regulatory structure

·Know the processes within formal international organizations

·Define basic terminology of the legal component

·Possible processes in the search for a new multilateralism

·Know road, operational and traffic rights

·Define air career capacity, tariffs and ownership

·Know the airline business, cooperative and passenger activities



The training is structured around the following modules:

·  Reception and presentation of the training

·  The national and international regulatory system

·  Types and operational characteristics of aircraft

·  Overview on the building plan of an airport

·  Design of the runway and its ground-based protection

·  Evolution and addressing of obstacles

·  Ground equipment installed at the airport

·   Layout and design of taxiways, ramps and service routes

·  Overview on aeronautical pavements

·   Monitoring of aeronautical information

·   Evaluation: At the end of the training course, participants would be given either a test or individual/group projects to evaluate their aptitudes and progress thought the training period

· Debriefing of the training



Once the course is finished successfully, the participants will be able to: 

· Define the system of national and international regulations

· Know the types and operational characteristics of aircraft

· Cite feedback from accidents linked to infrastructure, approval and surveillance

· Define the protection of aircraft and aeronautical clearances on the runway side

·  Apply safety rules to airplanes for the design of aeronautical areas

·  Describe the equipment to be installed to ensure aircraft accessibility to the airport

·  Describe the methods for preparing a movement area design

·  Acquire fundamental knowledge about the arrival of a new type of aircraft at the airport


The training is structured around the following modules:

·  Reception and presentation of the training

·  The principles of security

·  Rules for the movement of planes, vehicles and pedestrians on the movement area (speed limit, signs)

·   Priority rules

·   Marking on the aircraft parking

·   Identification of the parking stand

·   Marking on an aircraft parking stand

·  Safety zones and clearance distances around aircraft

·  Driver's license management system on the movement area

·   Driving on the service road

·   Driving on the ramp

·   Driving on the maneuvering area

·   Staff missions (operation of aircraft, maintenance, safety)

·   Exceptional circumstances

·   Airport infrastructure (gateways, ground handling)

·   FOD

·   Measures in case of non-compliance with the rules

·   Rules applicable in strong wind

·   Rules applicable in low visibility

·  Evaluation: At the end of the training course, participants would be given either a test or individual/group projects to evaluate their aptitudes and progress thought the training period

·  Debriefing of the training



In order to ensure the safety and smooth running of traffic within the non-public area (airside) of the airport, and to strengthen them, airports must develop the required traffic rules at the airport. Anyone having an airside activity is supposed to know these traffic rules. Means are also planned to ensure compliance with safety rules. Any driver traveling (without follow-me) with an airside vehicle must be in possession of an airport driver's license. The use of vehicles should be limited to the strict operational minimum.

 The training is structured around the following modules:

·  Reception and presentation of the training

·  Design of boarding bridges

·  Configurations of boarding bridges  

·   The procedures issued by the airport operator

·  The Visual Docking Guidance System (VDGS)

·  Organization of the boarding bridges management service

· Evaluation: At the end of the training course, participants would be given either a test or individual/group projects to evaluate their aptitudes and progress thought the training period

·  Debriefing of the training



Once the course is finished successfully, the participants will be able to: 

·  Define the configuration systems for boarding bridges

·  List the safety procedures issued by the airport operator

·  List the procedures to be applied in the event of an emergency issued by the airport operator and applied by the operators of the boarding bridges

·  Describe the process of docking boarding bridges   

·  Describe the required qualifications for operators of boarding bridges

·  Define the role of boarding bridge operators

·  Describe the required coordination measures between the ramp management service and the operators of the boarding bridges

· Define operating procedures when using a Visual Docking Guidance System (VDGS)



The training is structured around the following modules:

· Reception and presentation of the training

· The national and international regulatory system

·  The lighting and the associated energy supply

·  Power supply systems for air navigation facilities

· Circuit design

· Function check

· The ground marking on the movement area "runways, aircraft parking and taxiways"

· Visual aids signalling the presence of obstacles

· Objects to be provided with marking and / or lighting

· Marking and / or lighting of objects

· Visual aids to indicate areas of limited use

· Runways and taxiways closed entirely or in partly

· Pret-threshold area

· Unserviceable areas

·  Evaluation: At the end of the training course, participants would be given either a test or individual/group projects to evaluate their aptitudes and progress thought the training period

· Debriefing of the training



Once the course is finished successfully, the participants will be able to: 

·   Know the airport security policy

·    Know the accessibility of aerodromes

·    Describe the types, characteristics and locations of visual aids to air navigation "lights, signs" on the aerodrome movement area

·    Define the required marks on aeronautical areas (types, locations, characteristics)

·   Define visual aids to signal the presence of obstacles inside and outside the aerodrome

·  Define visual aids to indicate areas of limited use in the movement area

·  Prepare aeronautical information to inform air users of the presence of obstacles

des obstacles.

The training is structured around the following modules:

·   Reception and presentation of the training

·    Introduction to the notion of obstacles

·    Define the objective of the aeronautical servitude

·  National and international regulatory references reacting to aeronautical servitude

·  Description and characteristics of the “OLS” and “OFZ” obstacle limitation surfaces    

·  Define an aeronautical servitude plan using the CAD software “autoCAD”  

·  Carrying out case studies and determining tolerances      

·  Objects located outside the obstacle limitation surfaces and other objects

·   Evaluation: At the end of the training course, participants would be given either a test or individual/group projects to evaluate their aptitudes and progress thought the training period

·  Debriefing of the training



· Once the course is finished successfully, the participants will be able to: 

·  Know the appropriate regulatory framework  

·  Understand the challenges of aeronautical servitude plans  

·   Know the impacts of ASPs and ensure the enforcements of servitudes   

·   Know the methods of developing ASPs    

·   Calculate the maximum altitudes authorized by the obstacle limitation surfaces

  The training is structured around the following modules:

· Reception and presentation of the training

· The mechanism of national and international regulations

·  SLI Service Information

·  The level of protection to be provided at airports

·  Communication and alert needs

·   Facilities and services

·   Fire station communications

·   SLI vehicle communications

·  Other means of communication and alert

·   The factors involved in establishing the specifications for rescue and fire fighting vehicles

·   Protective equipment and equipment

·  Protective clothing and breathing apparatus

·  Ambulances and medical services

·  Aircraft rescue and firefighting procedures

·   Preventive maintenance of vehicles and rescue equipment (procedures, personnel, protective clothing, performance tests, documents, etc.)

·   Evaluation: At the end of the training course, participants would be given either a test or individual/group projects to evaluate their aptitudes and progress thought the training period

·  Debriefing of the training



Once the course is finished successfully, the participants will be able to: 

·  Define the means of fire fighting and rescue

·   Determine the level of protection to be provided with or without modulation

·   Organize the fire station

·   Know the adequacy between the means and the level of protection to be provided with or without modulation

·  Develop the Compilation of Operational Instructions planning the activity of the ARFF (administrative and operational organization, definition of means, staff instruction program, reports, operational intervention tactics)

· Promote the airport as part of the relationship with state services and airlines

· Respect the operational objective of the ARFF - Response time


The training is structured around the following modules:

· Reception and presentation of the training

·  The mechanism of national and international regulations

·  General information on aeronautical pavements

·   Methods for improving the performance and resistance of aeronautical pavements

·  Asphalt pavement protection

·  Nature and solutions of the problem

·  Protective coatings and their composition

·  The protections carried out

·  Methods of calculating and evaluating pavements used by states

·   The importance of the friction characteristics of the runway surface and braking efficiency

·   Methods for the removal of rubber, oil, grease, waste …)

·  Aircraft characteristics influencing pavement resistance

·  Procedures for determining the classification number of an aircraft

·  Evaluation: At the end of the training course, participants would be given either a test or individual/group projects to evaluate their aptitudes and progress thought the training period

·  Debriefing of the training




Once the course is finished successfully, the participants will be able to: 

· Describe and apply the techniques of the core audit

·  Recognize and take into account the different types of degradation encountered on a flexible pavement and on a rigid pavement

· Determine the level of service indices of the raised tracks

·  Define the type of maintenance required to remedy the pathology of an aeronautical pavement

·  Choose the appropriate repair or renovation technique

·  Choose the technique used according to the targeted objectives of costs, performance


The training is structured around the following modules:

·   Reception and presentation of the training

·  The mechanism of national and international regulations

·  Assessment of animal hazard on the aerodrome and around it

·  Adaptation of existing procedures and means to minimize the risk of collision between animals and an aircraft, on the aerodrome

· The identification of the dangers linked to animal hazard in the vicinity of the aerodrome

· The different actors and their responsibilities

·  Statistics on animal impacts and accidentology

·  Notification of events and registrations, aeronautical information

· Organization of animal control practices, animal risks associated prevention measures

· Presentation of the STAC guide "Methodology of animal risk assessment"

· Evaluation: At the end of the training course, participants would be given either a test or individual/group projects to evaluate their aptitudes and progress thought the training period

· Debriefing of the training



Once the course is finished successfully, the participants will be able to: 

·  Describe and apply the techniques of the core audit

·  Acquire general knowledge (regulations, organization) relating to animal risk assessment operations

· Set up a risk assessment strategy (statistical tools, mapping)

· Understand airport security issues related to animal peril (impacts on aviation / aircraft safety)

·  Define the means of control and the methods linked to the services of prevention of the animal danger of the aerodromes (equipment, instructions of intervention)

La formation s’articule autour des modules suivants :

  • Accueil et présentation de la formation ;
  • Le dispositif de la réglementation nationale et internationale ;
  • La perception et le concept de la crise ;
  • Le plan d’urgence d’aéroport ;
  • Les organes concernés ;
  • La responsabilité et rôle des divers intervenants selon le type d'événement ;
  • Le plan quadrillé ;
  • Triage des victimes et soins médicaux ;
  • Enlèvement des dépouilles mortelles ;
  • Les moyens de télécommunication ;
  • Le plan de secours et son déclenchement ;
  • La communication et les enjeux de la crise ;
  • La gestion des crises aéroportuaire ;
  • Le centre directeur des opérations d'urgence et le poste de commandement mobile ;
  • Analyse d'accidents et retour d'expérience en matière de gestion de crises ;
  • Evaluation : Un test sera donné à la fin de la formation pour vérifier les aptitudes et l’évolution des participants compte tenu des renseignements fournis durant la période de la formation ; OU

Un projet individuel/en groupe sera préparé à la fin de la formation.

  • Débriefing de la formation.



Une fois le cours est terminé avec succès, les participants seront en mesure de :

  • Définir les différents types de crises possibles et concepts associés ;
  • Déterminer les rôles et les responsabilités des acteurs « côté ville et côté piste » dans le cadre d'une crise ;
  • Analyser les conséquences d'une crise ;
  • Définir les moyens mis en place par l'exploitant aéroportuaires (moyens matériels, humains, procédures...) ;
  • Déterminer la communication spécifique en cas de gestion de crise ;
  • Décrire les principes d'organisation d'un exercice « Plan de secours » sur un aéroport type ;
  • Garantir l'intégrité de l'exploitant dans son approche de la gestion de la crise (évaluation des risques, réalisation de tests...) ;

La formation s’articule autour des modules suivants :

  • Accueil et présentation de la formation ;
  • Les fonctions de base d'une aérogare « passagers » ;
  • Morphologie des aérogares ;
  • Typologie de trafic : Prévisions de trafic ;
  • Planification stratégique d'une aérogare ;
  • Innovation technologique ;
  • Les commerces et services en aérogare ;
  • La coordination des acteurs ;
  • Aérogare « Low Cost » et aérogare “Hub International” ;
  • Déroulement d'un projet de construction et maîtrise des coûts ;
  • Evaluation : Un test sera donné à la fin de la formation pour vérifier les aptitudes et l’évolution des participants compte tenu des renseignements fournis durant la période de la formation ; OU
  • Un projet individuel/en groupe sera préparé à la fin de la formation.
  • Débriefing de la formation.




Une fois le cours est terminé avec succès, les participants seront en mesure de :

  • Définir les différents concepts d'aérogare suivant la typologie du trafic et le transfert des passagers, bagages, vers les avions ;
  • Connaitre la gestion de projet : planification et dimensionnement d'une aérogare passagers, phasage, respect des coûts et délais ;
  • Définir l'analyse de la demande : prévisions de trafic, heures de pointe, attente clients et opérateurs ;
  • Décrire les modes d'exploitation des différents acteurs d'une aérogare passagers ;
  • Connaitre l'organisation et les modes de relation entre les services et la coordination à mettre en œuvre par la direction de l'aéroport ;
  • Connaitre les accès à l'aérogare ;
  • Connaitre l'exploitation des trafics hub et lowcost ;

La formation s’articule autour des modules suivants :

  • Accueil et présentation de la formation ;
  • Le dispositif de la réglementation nationale et internationale ;
  • Les mesures préventives de sûreté :
  • Objectifs ;
  • Mesures relatives au contrôle d’accès ;
  • Mesures applicables (aux aéronefs, passagers, bagages de cabine et de soute, fret, marchandise, coté ville).
  • La gestion de la riposte aux actes d’intervention illicite :
  • Prévention ;
  • Riposte ;
  • Échange de renseignements et comptes rendus.
  • Les entrées et les sorties des aéronefs ;
  • Les entrée et sortie des personnes, des bagages, des marchandises ;
  • Personnes non admissibles et personnes expulsées ;
  • Les installations et services intéressant le trafic ;
  • Atterrissages effectués hors des aéroports internationaux ;
  • Des dispositions de facilitation relatives à des sujets spécifiques ;
  • Dispositions de facilitation relatives à des sujets spécifiques ;
  • Evaluation : Un test sera donné à la fin de la formation pour vérifier les aptitudes et l’évolution des participants compte tenu des renseignements fournis durant la période de la formation ;
  • Débriefing de la formation.




A la fin de la formation les participants seront capables de :

  • Contribuer au renforcement du niveau de sûreté des aéroports et à la prévention des actes dangereux contre le transport aérien, en améliorant les connaissances du personnel des plateformes aéroportuaires ;
  • Acquérir des connaissances nécessaires sur les fondements de la sûreté ainsi que les instruments juridiques et réglementaires qui régissent la sûreté pour permettre la prise de décisions, la coordination et la mise en œuvre efficaces des mesures et procédures de sûreté conformément aux exigences internationales et nationales ;
  • Apprendre toutes les techniques de base en ce qui concerne les techniques de déplacements à l’aéroport,  de communication et de coopération avec les autres entités ;  patrouille et garde, le concept  d’inspection/filtrage, les techniques de réaction aux situations d’urgence et les outils permettant la reconnaissance des armes et engins explosifs, le fonctionnement des équipements de sûreté.


La formation s’articule autour des modules suivants :

  • Accueil et présentation de la formation ;
  • Notions et bases de l’assistance en escale aux aéroports ;
  • L’assistance des passagers en escale (départ, arrivée et transit) ;
  • L’assistance des avions et des bagages et les opérations en escale ;
  • L’assistance cargo ;
  • La gestion sociale et économique de l’assistance en escale ;
  • Le lien entre l’assistance en escale et l’exploitant aéroportuaire.
  • Evaluation : Un test sera donné à la fin de la formation pour vérifier les aptitudes et l’évolution des participants compte tenu des renseignements fournis durant la période de la formation ; OU

Un projet individuel/en groupe sera préparé à la fin de la formation.

  • Débriefing de la formation.




A la fin de la formation les participants seront capables de :

  • Connaitre les services, les équipements et les problématiques de l’assistance en escale ;
  • Connaitre les marchés de l’assistance en escale, les diverses organisations possibles et les diverses réglementations ;
  • Définir les problématiques d’interfaces et d’interactions entre l’assistance en escale et l’exploitation de l’aéroport.

La formation s’articule autour des modules suivants :

  • Accueil et présentation de la formation ;
  • Le dispositif de la réglementation nationale et internationale ;
  • Restrictions frappant le transport aérien de marchandises dangereuses (marchandises dangereuses dont le transport aérien est autorisé, interdit, sauf dérogation, rigoureusement interdit)
  • Emballage ;
  • Étiquetage et marquage ;
  • Responsabilités de l’expéditeur
  • Responsabilités de l’exploitant ;
  • Renseignements à fournir :
  • Programmes de formation ;
  • Contrôle de l’application des règlements ;
  • Procédures d'urgence ;
  • Comptes rendus d’accidents et incidents concernant des marchandises dangereuses ;
  • Sûreté des marchandises dangereuses ;
  • Evaluation : Un test sera donné à la fin de la formation pour vérifier les aptitudes et l’évolution des participants compte tenu des renseignements fournis durant la période de la formation ; OU
  • Un projet individuel/en groupe sera préparé à la fin de la formation.
  • Débriefing de la formation.




A la fin de la formation les participants seront capables de :

  • Définir les types des marchandises dangereuses ;
  • Connaitre le transport de marchandises dangereuses ;
  • Connaitre le stockage des marchandises dangereuses ;

Définir les accidents des marchandises dangereuses.

  •  Aircraft parking design and apron mnagement
  •  Aerodrome certification
  •  Runway Safety Team (RST) organisation and works
  •  Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP)
  •  COMMEN USE-CUTE technologies

The training is structured around the following modules:

·         Reception and presentation of the training

·         The national and international regulatory system

·         Ramp of passenger terminal, freight terminal, remote parking, maintenance and hangar

·         Holding platforms and other derivations 

·         Separation of aircraft and vehicles on the manoeuvring area

·         Jet blast and anti-blast screens

·         Design characteristics at the aircraft parking

·         Number of aircraft parking stands

·         Types of operations at the aircraft parking

·         Required applicable clearance distances

·         Aircraft characteristics leading to surface design

·         Reconfiguration works of aircraft parking stands for a new aircraft parking

·         Group project: prepare a new aircraft parking designs using the DAO autoCAD software and the aircraft construction manuals

·         Evaluation: At the end of the training course, participants would be given either a test or individual/group projects to evaluate their aptitudes and progress thought the training period

·         Debriefing of the training





Once the course is finished successfully, the participants will be able to: 

·         Cite reference documents of ramp management aircraft parking design

·         Describe the use of the ramp in an airport

·         Cite the types and dimensioning of ramps

·         Cite the characteristics and design of ramps

·         Describe the guiding on ramps

·         Describe the utility of a ramp at an airport

·         Describe the necessity to ensure the separation of aircraft and vehicles

·         Cite the minimum distances to be respected by the vehicles desiring to penetrate the jet blast zone

·         Determine the classification of aircraft according to the code number and letter

·         Determine all the required clearance distances at the ramp level

·         Master the methods of the design of new parking stands for aircraft (push back or autonomus stands)

·         Determine the required steering angles and the turning radii of aircraft to study a new aircraft parking design

The training is structured around the following modules:

·         Reception and presentation of the training

·         The national and international regulatory system of aerodrome certification

·         The government bonds in terms of oversight

·         Critical elements of a monitoring oversight

·         The scope of certification

·         The role and responsibilities of QMS actors

·         Introduction to the systems of security management

·         The phases of the certification process (preliminary phase, demonstration of the official request, document evolution, demonstration and inspection, authorisation, surveillance at the issue of the certification)

·         Audit techniques

·         Evaluation: At the end of the training course, participants would be given either a test or individual/group projects to evaluate their aptitudes and progress thought the training period

·         Debriefing of the training



At the end of the training, the participants will be able to: 

·         Know the necessity of aerodrome certification

·         Know model regulations for aerodrome certification

·         Know the aerodrome manual (content, objective and checklist)

·         Define the procedure of aerodrome certification

·         Determine the regulatory authorities

·         Define the aerodrome requirements

·         Acquire a practical knowledge of the security and the airport infrastructures

·         Understand the audit process applied to aerodromes to continue the implementation of the airport certification procedure

The training is structured around the following modules:

·         Reception and presentation of the training

·         The national and international regulatory system

·         Mandate and activities of the runway safety program

·         Evolution of the runway safety program

·         Structure and meetings of Runway Safety Team 

·         Control list for the Runway Safety Team program

·         The investigations of the Runway Safety Team 

·         Evaluation: At the end of the training course, participants would be given either a test or individual/group projects to evaluate their aptitudes and progress thought the training period

·         Debriefing of the training



At the end of the training, the participants will be able to: 

·         Identify the potential runway safety problems by reviewing regularly the aerodrome practices and when relevant information is available from the results of incident investigations

·         Elaborate appropriate measures of risk prevention and raise the public awareness of potential solutions

·         Advise the aerodrome management on the runway safety questions and recommend risk mitigation measures  

·         Create a plan containing actions to mitigate runway safety problems. The measures to be taken have to be specific to the aerodrome and related to a problem or a runway security problem on this aerodrome 

·         Track the number, the type and the seriousness of the runway incursions

·         Identify the local problematic zones and suggest improvements (for example, by sharing the results of investigation reports in order to establish hotspots or local problematic zones and developing corrective measures viable with or for the operational staff)

·         Work in a coherent team to better understand the difficulties of staff performance working in other fields and recommend improvements to be made

·         Lead an awareness campaign of the runway safety focused on the local problems (for example, production and distribution of local hotspot cards and other indicative elements, when appropriate)

·         Know the method to register « Runway Safety Team » on the ICAO website and become member of the runway safety teams

·         Regularly review the aerodrome compliance with the ICAO standards and practical recommendations     


The training is structured around the following modules:

·         Reception and presentation of the training

·         Core modules in audit

·         Effective communication

·         Principles and techniques of the audit

·         Establishment of a team

·         Time management

·         Public speaking

·         USOAP audit modules

·         Overview on the ICAO USOAP

·         Essential elements of an effective system of security oversight by the state and overview on audit tools of the USOAP

·         Evolution of the USOAP to the CMA

·         Follow up of the establishment and the implementation of the ICVM

·         Overview on the procedure

·         Pre-mission, on site and subsequent phase

·         Audit field modules (PEL, OPS, AIR, AIG, ANS and AGA).

·         Evaluation: At the end of the training course, participants would be given either a test or individual/group projects to evaluate their aptitudes and progress thought the training period

·         Debriefing of the training



Once the course is finished successfully, the participants will be able to: 

·         Describe and apply the techniques of the core audit

·         Describe the ICAO USOAP

·         Describe the critical elements of an effective system oversight by the state

·         Describe and use the audit tools of the USOAP

·         Describe the behaviour of the ICVM behaviour

·         Recognize the essential content of the protocol questions in the specific audit fields (PEL, OPS, AIR, AIG, ANS and AGA)

·         Match these protocol questions to the ICAO associated documents

·         Apply the techniques and the audit methodology in the specific audit fields (PEL, OPS, AIR, AIG, ANS and AGA).


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

  •  Elaboration of the aerodrome manual ;
  •  Aerodrome certification with on-site audit
  •  Design and reconfiguration of new aircraft parking stands in an aircraft parking using the DAO «autoCAD» software
  •  Preparation of the arrival of a new type of aircraft to the airport
  •  Elaboration of aircraft servitude plans using the DAO «autoCAD» software
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

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